Gianni leads Zendesk’s growing product design team in his native and beloved Dublin and is relishing the challenges of working in such a rapidly growing company. He sees collaboration as the key to creating experiences customers will love.
Before joining Zendesk Gianni founded a sharing economy start-up called Fillit and previously worked in Dublin agencies Thinkhouse, Dynamo and Backup.
Past Talks
12 October 2022
Modern work requires intrinsic motivation. In this panel, we will look at how the role of a leader is changing across all areas of a business and how people can learn the new skills they need to be effective leaders. From Recruitment, Onboarding, Motivating, Empowering, Managing Performance

7 October 2020
This interactive session will look at how to understand your customers needs by learning their patterns and behaviours. Once you've gotten insights to this, how do you put them into action.
Join the conversation, share your insights and probe the speakers on the elements of their talks that left you wanting more.

6 October 2020
Does your design team share the essential feedback needed to challenge? Does your design critique add sufficient value or is it just another tick box activity?
In this session, Gianni will discuss how he rolled out a new design critique process across Zendesk, discussing the difficulties faced prior and how it has evolved into a consistently productive and enjoyable part of the design process.
- The importance of design critiques
- Ensuring your team puts the critique in design critique
- How to create a process that is both systematic and dynamic
- How to make it engaging, while ensuring value