Muriel Naim is EXIGER's Global VP, Head of Product Design & Research, also serving on the boards of WNW & Inside Out's Creative leadership forums. She has over 13 years of versatile experience in everything UX, Research, Design Systems, Product Design, and all the in-betweens. Hailing from Tel Aviv's vivid Startup environment, Muriel built up and spearheaded design organizations from 0 to 60+ talents across different platforms and sectors. She established and led design teams both in scrappy startup environments (such as Sisense, HopSkipDrive, and GoTvo), large corporations (as Head of UXA @Disney, Head of UX & Research @Walmart Labs, and others), and digital agencies (Saatchi & Saatchi & 72AndSunny). She believes in direct communications, challenging her teams constantly, and always leading with empathy and passion.
Upcoming Talks
13 May 2025
In an industry dominated by rapid change and AI advancements, learn why the "how" of our practices is just as crucial as the "what." In this thought-provoking exploration of the human side of tech discover actionable strategies for infusing empathy into hiring, management, and even layoffs. This talk will challenge product teams to rethink their approach to human interactions in tech, fostering a more compassionate and ultimately more successful industry.

14 May 2025
In an era where A.I threatens job security, Muriel Naim reveals how UX professionals can stay ahead of the curve with a framework for AI-driven UX architecture. Learn meaningful, user-focused AI experiences that go beyond simple implementation. Murial will talk through the framework for AI-driven UX architecture that will make your skills indispensable. This talk bridges the communication gap between designers, engineers, and product managers, demonstrating how to articulate the value of design-centric solutions that truly enhance the customer experience and drive product success.

Past Talks
16 May 2023
In this session, Muriel will discuss A-Z scenarios from her career span of having built multiple Design & UX departments in 5+ Startups:
From inception, through ROI & business cases, to crafting a full blown UXD department - and continuously proving their worth. She will also tap into the everlasting "Agile" topic: How to accelerate speed without jeopardizing quality for fast-paced teams (Startups & Corporations alike). At a time when UX departments are being absorbed by engineering, Muriel will discuss how to prove the case and turn UX into a commercial strategy for success.

13 October 2022
Learning about the latest and greatest techniques are great. But what really matters is how you get those changes implemented in your companies. This panel will discuss the main tactics for demonstrating the value of process improvements as well as tips on how to get buy-in at both a senior stakeholder level as well as within the product development teams.

10 October 2022
There are many things that designers are responsible for: crafting prototypes, incorporating feedback, and rushing to "feed" developers. As a result, the critical analysis and investigation of the best solutions often get skipped. Muriel will share how she designed a new Way Of Working for her design and UX teams at Disney, ABC, and Walmart Labs. She'll take you through her practical steps to:
- develop a solution that ticks the boxes of corporate policies
- getting senior buy-in for implementing the changes
- enhancing designers' soft skills to make their work more impactful