Kay Schnittker is the Director Engineering at InnoGames. Prior to joining InnoGames in 2009, Kay was Head of Engineering at Yahoo! Shopping Germany. Kay and his seven teams work on centralized systems for all games and support departments such as Analytics and Marketing.
Past Talks
7 October 2021
In a hybrid-remote scenario, a subset of the company commutes each day, paired with a subset of the company that works remotely. This scenario offers complexity to managing individuals, teams, office dynamics and the product itself.
In this talk Kay will discuss InnoGames’ culture prior to the pandemic, how it developed when transitioning to remote work, and plans for building a hybrid model using an adaptive approach moving forward. All this to achieve InnoGames’ goal of creating the best working model.

7 October 2021
The biggest myth about getting buy-in from a stakeholder is that you need data and logic to make your case. It takes just one stakeholder to sway the desired outcomes of a product in the wrong direction. Early identification and engagement of key stakeholders are critical to the success of any product.
Moderated by Hannah Chaplin, this session will provide new insights and tips on how they manage stakeholders.