Emma Andrews

Emma Andrews

Senior Sales Engineer



Emma is a Senior Sales Engineer at FullStory, working with clients globally across Retail, SaaS, Media, Travel & Finance to improve their customer digital experiences. FullStory is a Digital Experience Intelligence platform that combines product analytics and session replay to give organisations the power to understand their customer interactions within their web and mobile applications. Over the past 7 years Emma has worked as a consultant across data insights, digital marketing and user experience and enjoys using an empathetic and human-centred approach to design solutions to meet customer needs.

Past Talks


12 October 2023

Continuous Discovery
Discovery Stage

Having more work than available people is a common problem in all companies. Democratising research is a way of helping product teams to do their own research so that research teams can help improve the overall quantity of research being performed. But it is not a free lunch - there are problems with democratising research as well. This debate will decide how teams should approach this subject going forward.

Moderated by Emma Roberts

Emma Andrews
Emma Andrews

Senior Sales Engineer


Mike Brown
Mike Brown

Head of Design

Reed UK

Reed UK
AJ King
AJ King

Senior User Experience Researcher

