Latest practices in Product, UX, Design, Development and leading teams.
UXDX USA 2022 Trends: Ensure your research lands
How do you ensure that your research doesn't just end up on a shelf? Here are three tips to ensure your research delivers an impact.
UXDX Arrives in New York!
UXDX USA takes place in New York. Here are 10 things to look forward to.
A case study on how WeighMyRack upgraded their site to expand their business.
Building better teams with a simple thought experiment
What kind of team would we want if we did not know what roles we would play in the team?
How DAZN scaled their team using Microfrontends
A case study on how DAZN scaled their frontend teams using microfrontends.
How Autodesk implemented Dual-Track Agile
A case study on how Autodesk implemented dual-track agile to tackle the friction between design and dev
Shifting an Agribusiness to Direct to Consumer
How Kimmus Kitchen, an Indian agribusiness, pivoted their product strategy to direct-to-consumer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Digital Transformation Story Within The U.S. DoD: The World's Largest Bureaucracy
How the U.S. Air Force approached their agile transformation to shift from a lead time of 10+ years to 120 days.
Inspiring Teams with a Way of Working Vision
Starting from first principles we build a vision for a way of working that teams can use to streamline their product delivery.
How to Measure Efficiency in Software Development
Time and cost metrics lead to inefficient software delivery. Using lean manufacturing as the inspiration, teams have shifted to throughput metrics to track and improve efficiency.
Integrating UX into SAFe
UX Research helps drive your teams to build a market-ready product your customers will love. Read about Marc's tips on how to infuse customer feedback and UX Design into Agile in a SAFe environment.
5 Talks You Can’t Miss at UXDX USA 2021
UXDX USA is right around the corner with a goal to break the barriers between product, design, UX and dev. With some of the top industry leaders sharing their personal experiences with transitioning to cross-functional teams we wanted to make sure you were including these five talks in your schedule! Building Strong Relationships with Stakeholders Parul Goel, Director of Product Management at Indeed Why is this talk important? If you engage with your stakeholders effectively, you will creat
How do you justify investing in UX?
The traditional answer of gathering data to convince stakeholders doesn't work. Use this UX toolkit to uncover the business pain points and get their buy-in for adopting UX.
Convincing Your Boss
So you want to attend UXDX but you don’t know how to get your boss onside? We have composed a guide to help prepare you to ask your boss. We even drafted a sample email to send them!
How to Futureproof an Organisation? Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion in recent years has been at the forefront of many organisations to help improve relations in the workplace. To celebrate International Women’s Day, we asked our speakers from our upcoming events what Diversity & Inclusion in the workplace means to them. “It means to me that everybody feels welcome, supported and respected. It's being able to be heard and to share your opinion. Being able to find opportunities for impact and personal growth. Diversity gives every company s
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