Patrycja Rozmus

Patrycja Rozmus

Design System Lead



As a Design System Lead at Brainly, Patrycja is on a mission of building a bridge between frontend and design to deliver better products faster. Together with the team of Interaction & Visual Designers, as well as committed Software Engineers from core and cross-functional product teams, she develops the UI domain at Brainly and the design system.

Brainly is the biggest educational p2p platform in the world, so probably there is no surprise that after hours she is also a lecturer of UI Design and Web Design at a university and a design school.

Past Talks

8 October 2020

Main Stage

As you grow your product teams, how do you avoid reinventing the wheel and ensuring the design function can operate as efficiently as possible.
Moderated by Nadia Udalova, join the conversation, share your insights and probe the speakers on the elements of their talks that left you wanting more.

Guillermo Martinez
Guillermo Martinez

Head of DevOps


Miriam Soesan
Miriam Soesan

Interaction Design Lead


Hayley Hughes
Hayley Hughes


Design Director


Nadia Udalova
Nadia Udalova


Head of Product Design


Patrycja Rozmus
Patrycja Rozmus


Design System Lead



7 October 2020

Continuous Design

Design Systems offer an opportunity to consolidate processes, improve collaboration and speed up product delivery.
In this talk, Patrycja will guide us through the journey of how a small team from Brainly sparked a design system revolution in the world of developers. The talk will also share the struggles on the way to establishing a full blown Design System for a small team that develops the product for millions of users.

  • How your team can improve collaboration
  • How to speed up product delivery
  • How to establish a Design System in your company
Patrycja Rozmus
Patrycja Rozmus


Design System Lead



10 June 2020

Continuous Design
Main Stage

Design Systems offer an opportunity to consolidate processes, improve collaboration and speed up product delivery.
In this talk, Patrycja, guide us through the journey of how a small team from Brainly sparked a design system revolution in the world of developers and talk about struggles on the way to establishing a full blown Design System for the startup.

Patrycja Rozmus
Patrycja Rozmus


Design System Lead

