Leading Transformation
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Leading Transformation
During times of significant change, organizational challenges abound. From employee resistance to inadequate investment in training and coaching, to awkward implementations of 'new ways of working' and organizational disarray, the risk of further unsettling an already fragile environment is high.
However, a thoughtful and considered approach can make a difference. By letting go of control, opening up, and creating transparency, we can navigate challenges and seize the opportunities that come with change.
As leaders of a diverse and multi-disciplinary workforce, how can we inspire and engage our teams to focus on achieving higher performance? How do we transition away from slow-moving, top-down, "command-and-control" styles to embrace leadership that is not just effective but also human-centric? How can we foster collaboration, autonomy, and self-management to build resilience and drive impactful business outcomes?
Facilitated by Martina and Alberta, this workshop draws on the latest research on leadership—enhanced with a touch of historical context—to guide you in pragmatically recognizing and adopting leadership behaviors that inspire both hearts and minds. You will learn how to transform environments by prioritizing people, clarifying purpose, and making a meaningful impact, thereby creating adaptive and sustainable organizations.
Martina Hodges-Schell, Managing Director,Northshore

Alberta Soranzo, VP, Global Customer Experience,Sage