Insights from Liberty Mutual’s Corporate UX Team: Mastering Measurement Practices


Insights from Liberty Mutual’s Corporate UX Team: Mastering Measurement Practices

Continuous Research
UXDX Community: Mastering UX Metrics and Creating Products for Tomorrow 2024

It seems like overnight, UX has been pressured into starting to measure everything. Some UXers have adapted well to this new challenge, while others are anxious about beginning the measurement process. Learn more about Liberty Mutual's Corporate Functions UX team upskilled in measurement practices and began to shift outcomes for the product areas we support.

By the end of this session, you will learn from our successes (and mistakes!) in:
- Gauging current measurement skills/concerns
- Assembling and running a measurement workshop
- Equipping Designers to make measurement plans
- Applying newfound confidence and knowledge across a wide range of products.

Jeremy Rook

Jeremy Rook, Principal User Researcher,Liberty Mutual Insurance

Ketan Galhotra

Ketan Galhotra, Senior Product Designer,Liberty Mutual Insurance