Design to Learn: Build Prototypes that Get Better Feedback

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Design to Learn: Build Prototypes that Get Better Feedback

Continuous Design

Has your Product team created a “pixel perfect” design before even talking to users? Does your team fall in love with ideas too quickly? Find out how to use a Design to Learn approach to create “realistic enough” experiences that are meant to learn from users, not persuade them. Build better prototypes and get your ideas in front of customers faster. As you design and validate ideas using the Design to Learn approach, you’ll assemble a world-changing user experience one success at a time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Most features fail to deliver the expected value - how can we minimise this risk?
  • Change a design culture from perfection to speed
  • Learn to talk to users sooner in the design process
  • Focus on the four essential components of a prototype experiment
  • Stimulate innovation by testing a variety of solutions (take risk!)
  • Conduct shorter interviews that are quicker to analyze and yield better feedback
Jim Morris

Jim Morris, Founder,Product Discovery Group