Marrisse is a Senior Product Manager in Quipper. As a licensed teacher who’s had experience building educational materials and tutoring ESL students, she’s no stranger to the common pain points of teachers and students alike. She’s passionate about finding solutions that will make education more accessible to students around the globe, which drives her to continue building and launching great products in the edtech space.
Past Talks
3 March 2022
Moderated by Rory Madden, join tonights on-demand speakers as they chat through the learnings they took from each other and tonight's discussion and how they can bring these learnings back to their teams.

3 March 2022
Join the conversation! Share your insights and probe Marrisse on the elements of her on-demand talk on aligning your team through product roadmaps that left you wanting more.

2 March 2022
A great work environment will almost always include motivated and committed teams that are all working towards the same goals. So as your organisation and product grows how can you ensure continued success for your teams? A strong, tangible product roadmap.
In this session, Marrisse will talk through her experience on when product roadmaps work but also when they don't. She will touch on:
- how to ensure the alignment of product roadmap with the company values and north star from the start;
- the importance of defining your north star as the business grows and changes;
- including your product teams in the adapting your roadmaps; and
- what metrics she has used in the past to measure success of a product roadmap