Kevin Newton

Kevin Newton

Manager UX Research

Kevin Newton has a background in Applied Anthropology and Social Psychology. He leads the Talent, Learning, and Careers UER programs team at LinkedIn. This team focuses on scaling research through programmatic approaches while maintaining rigor and also quantifying the user experience. Currently, he is most interested in models to enable non-researchers to do quality research. Outside of LinkedIn he enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters, gardening, and playing board games.

Past Talks

16 June 2021

Product Direction
Main Stage

If you figure out your customer needs upfront why do you need to do any more research?
In this session, our speakers will discuss:

  • Why you need to do continuous discovery
  • How to do it and
  • Who needs to be involved
Teresa Torres
Teresa Torres


Internationally Acclaimed Author, Speaker & Coach


Flavia Neves
Flavia Neves


Director of Product Management


Kevin Newton
Kevin Newton

Manager UX Research


15 June 2021

Continuous Discovery
Main Stage

Kevin, Manager of UX Research, and Brandi, UX Research Program Manager at LinkedIn, have been solving problems of scale for the past two years. By identifying why problems exist, understanding the dynamics within the organization, and ultimately developing a series of toolkits to enable faster research across all areas of the organization, they have been able to create sustainable, rapid programs of research. Their programs include enabling Designers to run research sessions with employees, conducting 3 weeks of back to back research with full stakeholder engagement, and collecting quantitative usability stats. They will offer examples from their journey to create a systematic research flow enabled by clear process and templates, which helped designers and product managers gather quick feedback, as well as gave Design a seat at the “numbers table.”
In this talk, Kevin and Brandi will talk through:

  • Scaling research at LinkedIn and how they built programmatic research approaches
  • How the introduction of templates enabled better stakeholder buy-in
  • Evangelizing UX across the organization to enable other teams like talent acquisition to participate in research and amplify their voice earlier in the development of a LinkedIn product they use every day
  • How they created a streamlined process that enables qualitative researchers to produce valid and reliable quantitative output
Kevin Newton
Kevin Newton

Manager UX Research

Brandi Amm
Brandi Amm

UX Research Program Manager