The A-Z of Starting from Scratch: Making the Case for a UX Department in a Startup Environment
The A-Z of Starting from Scratch: Making the Case for a UX Department in a Startup Environment
Continuous Design
In this session, Muriel will discuss A-Z scenarios from her career span of having built multiple Design & UX departments in 5+ Startups:
From inception, through ROI & business cases, to crafting a full blown UXD department - and continuously proving their worth. She will also tap into the everlasting "Agile" topic: How to accelerate speed without jeopardizing quality for fast-paced teams (Startups & Corporations alike). At a time when UX departments are being absorbed by engineering, Muriel will discuss how to prove the case and turn UX into a commercial strategy for success.

Muriel Naim, Vice President of Design & UX,Fabric