Taking a New Flight Path: Finding the Right Altitude for Your Personas
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Taking a New Flight Path: Finding the Right Altitude for Your Personas
Continuous Discovery
Unfortunately, most user personas are dead shortly after arrival and are quickly forgotten amongst other organizational priorities. These artifacts are often not created at the right level to help teams to understand and design for their target audiences. Through a series of guided activities, this workshop will help you to form a new strategy to revitalize existing personas and be able to birth new, stronger and healthier ones.
During this workshop you will:
- Do a post-mortem on our persona called Sally to determine her early causes of death and examine what makes these personas "sick".
- Learn a new strategy that will reshape how you approach your personas based on the concept of altitudes.
- Determine what details your personas should (and should not) have that will provide the most value to your organization to make decisions related to your personas.
Attendees can either use their own existing "sick" persona or work with our example persona during the session.
Andrew Schall, Senior Director, Experience Design Research,Mayo Clinic