Optimizing Feedback: The Power of Asking the Right Questions for Improved Outcomes


Optimizing Feedback: The Power of Asking the Right Questions for Improved Outcomes

Enabling the Team
UXDX Community: Revolutionizing Design: From Feedback to Data Insights 2024

Feedback and critique are indispensable tools for product designers. When used effectively, they leverage the collective power of differing viewpoints to directly improve design quality. Use them poorly, however, and you’ll not only lose out on design quality—you’ll lose out on creating the emotionally safe environment necessary for creative innovation.

Asking intentional, thoughtful questions can help you keep your empathetic curiosity whenever you’re giving or receiving feedback. Pair the questions with attentive listening, and you’ve got the recipe for a valuable feedback session.

We’ll talk about using these questions to give and receive feedback in kindness, and we’ll discuss how to process unthoughtful or unhelpful critique with self-compassion.

Cliff Seal

Cliff Seal, UX Architect,Salesforce