A Comprehensive Guide To A Successful Design Delivery While Building A Design System
A Comprehensive Guide To A Successful Design Delivery While Building A Design System
Continuous Design
The design-to-development stage often is a major source of friction in even the most mature of product teams. Stemming that traditionally, designers and developers perform different tasks when it comes to product development. But what happens when friction is reduced and design handovers are successful?
Following the journey of building the design system at Disney Streaming, Davy will talk through how they established a successful relationship between, design, engineering & product by creating a unique design delivery process. He will touch on:
- What a successful design delivery looks like;
- Understanding what the limitations of designers & engineers are;
- The importance of touchpoints to improve overall communication; and
- How this process has improved team dynamics and the product overall

Davy Fung, Product Design Manager, Design Systems,Disney Streaming
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