Veronica has been working in Product Management for about 6 years, after a very accidental start and a very intentional decision to stay. After working at different organisations, she's now a Product Manager at adidas Runtastic. When she's not creating exciting digital experiences with her team, she can be found reading users' feedback, talking directly with them, or bringing improvements to the product and processes.
Past Talks
When we fly, we mostly sit back and relax in our seats, trusting that all the professionals involved will safely take us to our destination. Similarly, when we use a digital product, we trust it will do the job we've started using it for. But while we know what happens in our offices and meeting rooms, we don't know what goes on in a cockpit. What if I told you that there are a lot of parallels, and a lot we can learn from the aviation industry that we can apply in ours as well?