Saga Lundqvist

Saga Lundqvist

Senior Product Designer



Saga Lundqvist is a Senior Product Designer working at WeTransfer in Amsterdam. She previously worked at website building company Squarespace in New York where she worked cross-platform creating and evolving business tools.

Past Talks

24 June 2020

Continuous Design
Main Stage

Product teams come in all shapes and forms. Ensuring their success is a difficult exercise that can’t be simplified to a few action points and guardrails.
In this talk, we’ll dive into the WeTransfer organization, understanding where it comes from and where it is now.
We’ll then examine one of its successful teams, through a case study.
We’ll cover how the cross-functional product team Collect, delivers value through transparency and trust at WeTransfer. We’ll go through tools, communication channels and rituals that made it what it is today.
Finally, since teams don’t exist in a vacuum, we’ll talk about the relationship between the team and the organization at large. What are the dynamics in place, and how they influence each other.

Boris Emorine
Boris Emorine

IOS Developer


Saga Lundqvist
Saga Lundqvist


Senior Product Designer

