Marie-Laure Thuret is a Technical Product Manager at Algolia. She works on the Developer Experience side of the product, making sure developers can implement their search & discovery experience in the best possible ways using the right back-end and front-end tooling as well as a clear documentation.
Before that, Marie-Laure was a software engineer. Her passion for producing clear and simple code make her being a huge advocate of practices such as Behaviour Driven Development, Domain Driven Design and Test Driven Development. Always curious, she had the opportunity to work on different kind of projects with various languages and architectures.
Past Talks
8 October 2019
From the very beginning of Algolia's journey, focusing on Developer Experience was key. More than 6 years later with four dedicated squads on that topic, it couldn't be even more true.
In this talk we'll look at how giving developers the tools they'll love to use results in a massive impact on the experience of the end users. We'll dig into how the combination of key product enablers, available pre-packaged best practices and good documentation can contribute directly to it