Front-end Dev by day, maker of music by night with over 26 years in the field, Homer is a Staff UI Engineer and Certified Accessibility professional. With a background in Behavioral Psychology and Graphic Design, he focuses on accessible front-end development and clean, intuitive designs.
Past Talks
28 January 2022
Join the conversation! Share your insights and probe Homer on the elements of his on-demand talk on the 4 principles of Accessibility that left you wanting more.

26 January 2022
While many in the UX community are aware of inclusivity and accessible design practices, the reasons are not often fully understood.
In this session, Homer will talk through the WCAG 2.1 and how the four principles, commonly known as POUR, can be integrated into the overall process of your product team. You will walk away:
- understanding what the POUR principles are;
- how to test to accessibility & functionality of your product; and
- how to ensure that accessibility is an overall team responsibility