Henrik Kniberg is an organizational consultant and developer at Crisp in Stockholm. He does coaching and Minecraft development at Mojang, and has previously worked at Lego and Spotify. He enjoys helping companies succeed with both the technical and human sides of product development using agile and lean principles, as described in his popular books ”Scrum and XP from the Trenches” and ”Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both” and ”Lean from the Trenches”, as well as his viral videos ”Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell” and ”Spotify Engineering Culture”. Henrik is also engaged in climate change, he created the video Friendly Guide to Climate Change and is involved with GoClimateNeutral, Trine, and other startups in that space.
Past Talks
6 October 2020
Everybody wants to have a platform; but what does it actually mean. How do you design the boundaries around the platform, and how do you design your teams around that. Who are the users of the platform? What are the pitfalls? What are the decisions people have to make when separating out from a product? What is the product/UX of the platform?
Moderated by Ciara Peter, join the conversation, share your insights and probe the speakers on the elements of their talks that left you wanting more.
5 October 2020
During the past year we've explored a new approach to Minecraft release management, with concepts such as Minimum Lovable Product and four levels of Done.
In this talk I'll show how it works and what we've learned.