Chris O’Brien has been creating compelling experiences for over 20 years and is currently a Principal Designer and IT Fellow at ExxonMobil. Chris believes that truly understanding your customers and designing for them is the driving force behind a successful business.
Past Talks
UXDX Community: Motion Design and Physical to Digital 2023
22 February 2023
Have you ever stood inside an awe-inspiring building? Have you ever gone to a museum and found yourself lost and confused? How about visiting someone’s house and loving the layout of the kitchen or hating the backyard? These are all experiences you have had in a physical space and, more times than not, these spaces have been designed by an architect, who I like to call the “original experience designers”.
So what are the similarities between designing a physical space and designing a digital product? What can we learn from architects and how they work? Tune in to find out how an age old profession can teach us how to better design modern applications.