Adam Copeland

Adam Copeland

Client Experience Architect

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic

Dr. Adam Copeland is a Client Experience Architect at Mayo Clinic where he supports human-centered design at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. As a global reference laboratory, Mayo Clinic Laboratories delivers complex testing and Mayo Clinic expertise to health care clients around the world.

Adam’s career foregrounding the human in human-computer interaction design has spanned several fields. Previously, he was a professor of leadership who taught courses on design, technology, and non-profit leadership. He holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture from North Dakota State University where his work focused on invitations to generosity on crowdfunding platforms.

Past Talks

16 June 2021

Main Stage
Parul Goel
Parul Goel

Director of Product Management


Adam Copeland
Adam Copeland


Client Experience Architect

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic
Reed Jones
Reed Jones


Senior UX Researcher


Lauren Chan Lee
Lauren Chan Lee


Product Management Leader | Speaker | Advisor