Design for Simplicity in a Complicated World
Design for Simplicity in a Complicated World
Product Direction
Design is more complicated today than ever. The truth is, this is only the beginning. From an array of screen sizes, numerous channels, and choice overload, we have a lot to think about, all while considering a consumer mindset that expects simplicity on demand.
In this talk, Ryan will uncover how his team at Priceline has needed to uncover insights from their users to be able to shift their approaches when designing their products to ensure winning experiences. He will touch on:
- What current design trends are we seeing and what are the challenges associated with them?
- How do you gather your data and insights from your users and what is the best way to prioritise these insights?
- How do you test your designs?
- What advice Ryan has for product designers/product teams to look out for when designing products?
- What he sees in the future for product design?
Ryan Leffel, Head of Design,Priceline
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