Accidental Leaders: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Senior Design Leadership

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Accidental Leaders: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Senior Design Leadership

Continuous Design
UXDX Community: Design Thinking & Design Leadership - Amsterdam 2024

As organizations grow, designers often find themselves unexpectedly thrust into senior positions, becoming unintentional leaders. This creates a unique and challenging situation: a swift transition from focusing on individual tasks and responsibilities to managing a team and making key decisions.

Anderson's talk will delve into the uncharted territory of design leadership, especially when it occurs unintentionally. He will explore various dimensions of leadership, including understanding the psychology of leadership, the nuances of giving and receiving feedback, evaluating performance, making hiring decisions, and mastering the delicate art of letting someone go.

He will provide strategies to navigate this transition smoothly, helping you become a more confident and effective leader. Whether you are an experienced design leader or a designer anticipating future growth, this talk will empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a leadership role.

Anderson Gomes

Anderson Gomes, Head of Design,