Lee Cooper

Lee Cooper

VP Product

BBC Studios

BBC Studios

Upcoming Talks


9 October 2024

Product Direction
Vision Stage

In this talk, Lee Cooper, VP BBC Studios, will discuss the challenges and strategies involved in transforming the BBC from a well-known UK-centric brand to a globally recognized commercial product. He will share insights on the technological, team and cultural hurdles faced and the lessons learned from this significant transformation.
Key Learnings:

  • Vision setting and design i.e. architectural principles
  • Navigating the challenges of moving from a legacy tech stack to a modern, scalable platform for a global audience.
  • Strategies for aligning the goals of a public service organisation with commercial objectives
  • Enhancing team collaboration, integrating legacy teams with new hires and external partners
  • Lessons on and leading through change, making necessary compromises, and achieving consensus in a complex organisational environments
Lee Cooper
Lee Cooper

VP Product

BBC Studios

BBC Studios