Alan has dedicated himself to discovering what causes consumers to buy and use products. This led him to create Demand-Generation Analysis (DGA) - a systematic way of studying and predicting demand.
Alan's latest venture is Revealed - a technology platform designed to help anyone obtain, validate, track, and share demand generation data. Individuals and teams use these data and the insights they yield to become better at making and selling products that people will buy.
In October 2016, Alan released the first book dedicated to Jobs to be Done theory: "When Coffee and Kale Compete".
Past Talks
7 October 2019
Companies have historically used a list of customer needs to describe what customers want. But is that the best way to describe what customers value in a product? Are there different types of value that consumers experience and desire? How do we discover, describe, and design for these different types of value? How can we use these insights to create growth for the business?