Understanding the technologies that power “AI”—a product-owner’s guide


Understanding the technologies that power “AI”—a product-owner’s guide

Continuous Research

There are a class of product features that make products different today than their physical or classic digital counterparts. Often they live quietly below our cursors, fingers or mouse-hovers, only throwing us off when they don’t behave as expected. This subtlety is deceptive though. Features from personalized recommendations and intelligent autofill; to user fraud detection and dynamic creative optimization have led to the massive stickiness of the modern web, and have changed the way products are built.

Having a basic understanding of the technologies and strategies that underpin these types of features, helps considerably throughout the feature development life-cycle; making it possible to design feedback loops in a way that is both flexible and leads to products that “self-improve” with more use.

In this talk I’ll discuss Condé Nast’s approach to AI-driven feature development and walk through some of the AI-driven features we’ve built across our editorial, advertising and video product portfolios. I'll also highlight the underlying infrastructure and product development habits that make these features possible.

Lindsay Silver

Lindsay Silver, Global Vice President, Platform Technology,Conde Nast