The Highs And Lows Of Building A 30-Person Lean UX Team In 1 Year
The Highs And Lows Of Building A 30-Person Lean UX Team In 1 Year
Enabling the Team
- Institutionalising experience design & accelerating the UX maturity model
- Hiring strategy - a phased approach to hiring (and no bean bags)
- Scaling up versus staying Agile: Running ‘squads’ like lean start-ups
- Outcomes – deliver on the promise of UX inch by inch in this new Verizon world
- Roadmaps, Lean and Kanban boards – cycle time, KPIs, Heart, ROI & metrics for UX
- The golden ratio – how many experience designers does it take to change a company?

Donal O'Mahony, Head of UX & Product Design,Verizon Connect