People vs Process Debate
People vs Process Debate
14 May, 1:15 pm - 1:50 pm (America/New_York) - Main Stage
14 May, 17:15 - 17:50 (UTC)
Continuous Development
The agile manifesto argues for People over Process because designing software is a messy, collaborative activity. Yet every company insists on installing processes to manage software development.
Rather than having a talk about whether one is better than the other we are going to have a debate. Rory and Jaco will go head to head on whether processes help or hinder in software.
Expect compelling arguments, audience interaction, and actionable insights that challenge how we approach team dynamics and organizational success.

Rory Madden, Founder,UXDX
Got a Question?
Tue, May 13, 1:05 PM UTC
Everyone's Onboard. So Why Isn't Change Happening?