Is there a secret sauce for successful teams and products?
Is there a secret sauce for successful teams and products?
Enabling the Team
What makes a great team? According to Matti and his vast experience, it's ensuring that teams are created with the aim of supporting and being supported by its organisation. Throughout his career, he has put together many well-functioning teams that can ship consistently and continuously, but is there a formula to his success?
In this session, Matti will talk through his best practices including how he shaped different teams in his organisation to ensure not only successful products but also happy teams. He will touch on:
- What types of teams function best, teams of generalists or specialists?
- What does he think of cross-functional teams? When does it function best and when does it not?
- What challenges has he encountered that you can avoid?
- Any future plans for improvement?

Matti Klasson, Head of Engineering Management,Nordic Entertainment Group