Design-driven is not the goal. Why designers should speak the language of the business


Design-driven is not the goal. Why designers should speak the language of the business


Design has moved from a supporting role to one that is a driving force of business direction. Executives have seen the value design brings; they are listening and while designers have a seat at the table, there is an existential question on what’s next, and how should we use our newfound positions. Is there truly a way to balance business and customer needs. We’ll sit down with FoodPanda’s Director of Product Design, Shiran Bloch to discuss this including;

  • What does that mean to be an organisation that is design-driven and business-driven
  • The challenges with being design-driven
  • Finding the balance
  • You've got the buy-in - how do you deliver?
Shiran Bloch

Shiran Bloch, Director of Product Design,foodpanda