Building A Conscious UX Team For Your Organisation


Building A Conscious UX Team For Your Organisation

Continuous Research

Biased is inherent and as with designs UX research can also fall into this corner. Although data driven, how it is interpreted and presented is where bias usually appears. So how can you avoid this quandary and create a culture of conscious researchers?

In this session, Carmen & Mackenzie will talk through their journey as they build an inclusive and conscious UX team at Handshake. From their past experiences, they will touch on:
- Techniques on how to mitigate bias in your research data;
- How to present conscious research readouts to a room of your stakeholders; and
- Their best practices on how to build a UX team from scratch that is inclusive, conscious and effective

Carmen Broomes

Carmen Broomes, Head of UX Research,Handshake

Mackenzie Guinon

Mackenzie Guinon, Senior UX Researcher,Handshake