A Whole Team Approach To Testing In Continuous Delivery: One Tester's Journey


A Whole Team Approach To Testing In Continuous Delivery: One Tester's Journey

Continuous Development

It’s not uncommon for teams moving towards continuous delivery to face a growing backlog of customer-reported bugs. It’s a challenge to maintain the cadence of frequent deployments. If a team has testers, they’re often expected to continue to do all the testing activities, without any thought as to how those fit into continuous delivery (CD) or continuous deployment (also CD). Teams without testing specialists often struggle with insufficient automated test coverage and inadequate exploratory testing.

In this session, Lisa shares her experiences with a team striving to deploy smaller changes more frequently. Her team’s challenges are common ones. They came up with some innovative experiments to find ways to deploy more frequently with confidence. Lisa will introduce some techniques to consider trying, including:

  • Visualizing deployment pipelines to shorten feedback loops and fit in testing activities
  • Using a test suite canvas to determine the minimum automate test
  • Ways to analyze risks and determine next steps to mitigate them
  • Ways testing specialists contribute to team success
Lisa Crispin

Lisa Crispin, Author,Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin